非晶、纳米晶磁芯解决方案 – 珠海市兴磁科技有限公司
兴磁科技 King Magnetics 椭圆跑道型的纳米晶磁芯KMNV系定制磁芯主要用于共模滤波电感,方便直接穿过母线。主要用于变频器与电机之间,滤除高频噪声,以保护变频器及电机轴承,在新能源电动汽车动力总成,充电站中得到广泛的应用。
We custom-make nanocrystalline block cores. We can make the blocks according to your drawings, nanocrystalline block is made of 25 micro meter thickness nanocrystalline ribbon, and nanocrystalline blocks feature low core loss, high permeability, suitable for high frequency transformers, inductors, sensors, wind-power generators.
Amorphous Block core is stacked by 0.025mm amorphous ribbon, and is designed for high power usage, easy to install, easy to winding copper wire.High saturation flux density, low core loss. Suitable for solar inverter filter, medium frequency transformer, output inductor, PFC coke. Size can be made according to customer’s drawing.
Amorphous and nanocrystalline gap core, suitalbe for large current output inductor, PFC choke, differential mode choke, hall-effect sensor concentrator with advantages of high saturation flux density, low core loss. Low cost to replace High Flux core.
Common mode chokes made of nanocrystalline cores are high inductance with small size.
Nanocrystalline Cores for Common Mode Chokes, KMN402515 (40x25x15 toroidal nanocrystalline core)
Nanocrystalline Core for Common Mode Choke, KMN261610 (26x16x10 toroidal nanocrystalline core)